
Showing posts from September, 2024

Assignment 2 "Drawing as a Verb"

 Roee Rosen is a male contemporary artist from Israeli, who works in a variety of mediums, including writing, drawing, painting, photography, and cinema. He utilizes unique storytelling techniques to humorously invoke skepticism toward the manipulation of historical traumas for political gain. From top to bottom; Roee Rosen, Preliminary Sketch for Final Scene of Kafka for Kids, 2016, pencil on paper, 22 x 28 cm. Roee Rosen,  Preliminary Sketch for Insect in Kafka For Kids, 2017 pen and pencil on paper 28 x 42 cm.  The piece which initially drew me to Rosen's work is his drawing titled Preliminary Sketch for Insect in Kafka For Kids .  This 28 x 42 cm piece, created with pen and pencil, evoked nostalgia as it reflects a similar style of cartoon shows I watched growing up. It also has a creepy element that makes me want to look away in fear. The sketch features contour linework that illustrates three perspectives of a person-like bug, serving as a foundational piece for Rosen's

Assignment 1 "Intentional Drawing"

 I created this piece in my sketchbook, using a range of pencils (4H, 3H, 2H, H, HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, and 8B) and highlighted areas using a white contouring stick. I challenged myself with this drawing not only by enduring the intense weather outside for close to 3 hours, but also because it has been a while since I have attempted to replicate an object in real life rather than a photograph or illustration. 

Assignment 1 "Accidental Drawing"

 I created this piece in my sketchbook, using charcoal to darken the page, a kneaded eraser to lighten areas behind the stars, and a variety of white gel pens to illustrate the stars. The concept proved to be challenging, as defining an "Accidental Drawing" is not straightforward. To me, an accidental drawing is an unintended display of an image. So, while star-gazing, it came to me that constellations are not intentionally made. Stars are not intentionally placed in order deliberately, it is a pure coincidence that some align to form these earthly representations.